The 17th ICHA is being prepared to receive professionals and researchers from all around the world. The program map is available here and we already have the two keynote speakers confirmed. Check it out:
Lora Fleming
Professor Lora Fleming MD PhD MPH MSc is a board certified occupational and environmental health physician and epidemiologist with over 30 years of experience and expertise in environment and occupational exposures and human health. She is Director of the European Centre of Environment and Human Health and Chair of Oceans, Epidemiology and Human Health at the University of Exeter Medical Schoolin Cornwall UK. With various Centre and international collaborators, Professor Fleming is involved in research in the metadiscipline of Oceans and Human Health. She is the recipient of the 2013 Edouard Delcroix Prize and the 2015 Bruun Medal of the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC), both for her research and other activities in Oceans and Human Health.
Mark Wells
Mark Wells is a biogeochemical oceanographer at the School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine. His research interests largely focus on how nutrient trace elements contribute to regulating phytoplankton production, the composition of phytoplankton assemblages, and the broader ecosystem structure that they support. His early work examined the role trace metal limitation of Alexandrium in the Gulf of Maine. His studies since then have developed and tested new methods for studying trace metal effects on the growth and toxicity of harmful species in natural systems. He helped to establish the linkages between iron and copper availability and domoic acid production in Pseudo-nitzschia spp. in both laboratory and field studies. More recently, his work contributed to the discovery that the use iron fertilization to increase atmospheric CO2 capture the eastern subarctic Pacific Ocean would increase domoic acid toxicity in these waters; a region critical for sustainable fisheries development.