09–14 October 2016
Florianópolis • Santa Catarina • Brazil

Extended deadline for abstracts (Jun 02 , 2016 )

The deadline for submission of asbtracts has been extended until 30th June, 2016.

The asbtracts can be submited on the following topics:

  • Freshwater and marine HAB biogeography: Regional issues, population dynamics, biosecurity and alien species.
  • HAB prediction: modeling, observing systems, data collection and processing.
  • Cyanobacteria: Harmful blooms in tropical, temperate and high latitude environments.
  • Ciguatera and Benthic HABs: Harmful and nuisance algae in tropical, temperate and high latitude benthic environments.
  • HA biology: culturing, Physiology and life cycles (cysts).
  • HA Ecology: food chains, allelopathy, trophic strategies, parasitism/symbiosis, bacteria and viruses.
  • Algal toxins: Chemistry/biochemistry, metabolism and analytical methods.
  • Toxicology: mechanism of toxicity, international regulation and mitigation of algal toxins in food and water, clinical application for phycotoxins.
  • Taxonomy, systematics and genomics: Morphological and molecular taxonomy, functional genomics and genetic diversity.
  • HAB Technologies: From biosensors and techniques for cell and toxin detection and quantification to modeling and prediction.
  • Wellness of coastal communities: Social and economic aspects, HABs and coastal activities sustainability.
  • Surveillance and management: Monitoring, management, mitigation of HABs and food security.
  • HABs in a Changing World: Climate change, land use and ocean acidification and HABs.

Check more information here.